Thursday, January 19, 2006


JohnPaul recently requested that I post some of my most frequent sayings that make him laugh. Here are some of them. If I'm missing some good ones, please let me know in the comments section.


  1. I'm not getting involved [while slowly walking out of the room; not making direct eye contact helps as well].
  2. Don't worry about what others do, worry about yourself. [This is typically used when JohnPaul wants me to help him analyze the actions of some guy].
  3. Damn, damn, damn!
  4. Sweetie ... [with a wave of my index finger and all the attitude/sarcasm I have in me - and that's a lot, honey].
  5. Why am I single? [Seriously though! I know a chick with a beard that has a man, what the hell!].
  6. Pretty people have problems too.
  7. Ugh, I need Paxil.

On to other news ...

CBS 2 News had a story about how eating fruits and veggies can make you ill [].

Umm, can someone tell me what the hell we CAN eat?


Anonymous said...

One of my favorites is when you put your pointer and middle finger on you forehead and thumb on cheek while resting you elbow on the table and shaking your head. I guess that is more of Cory-manner-ism.

or how about..

Who was in my room?

I know there are more but I need time to think about them.

Corrine said...

Seriously, like I don't know who it is.