Friday, March 31, 2006

Spring Cleaning!

It's that time of year again! And, looky, looky what have we here:

How Yooooou Doin'?
Apparently, not well. Matt LeBlanc has filed for divorce from his wife, Melissa. I don't understand how you can date someone for years, but not even three years after you marry, you break up. What the hell! You could have saved your family and friends the trouble of buying a whole mess of crap from Williams Sonoma, if you would have just remained living in sin. I'm not sure who's at fault, because in California no one ever takes the blame (irreconcilable difference, anyone?), but if it's Matt, I hope Melissa takes him for all that Joey Tribbiani money.

Does Louis Vuitton Build Homes?
Because the tranny-esque Kimora Lee Simmons is gonna be out on her ass soon, and you know b*tch ain't trying to move back in with her mama. Hmm, maybe Russell will be nice enough to let her live in that closet of her's that's bigger than some countries.

I personally love when a couples' PR rep makes a statement like, "Both parties continue to respect and admire eachother ..." Blah, blah, blah. When there are millions of dollars at stake, ain't no one respecting and admiring. More like hiring a private detective to find old pics of Kimora when she was a man, so Russell can get full custody of the kiddies.

Happy hunting!


Anonymous said...

I am just saying that her neck is abnormally long. Meanwhile mom doesn't even have 2 inches of neck.

Corrine said...

Yes, her neck looks like it has several levels - like a tree trunk.