I just finished watching a bootleg copy of "300," although on the DVD itself, it read, "Trescientos." In any case, I really have no idea what happened in the movie. All I know is that I saw a whole lot of writhing, sweaty, muscular abs. And, for that, "300" gets 4 stars.
I also want to give credit to the actress who played Leonides' wife (Lena Headey) because she had a furrowed brow the entire movie. Congratulations for not using Botox so that movie-goers could actually see emotion in your face. Nicole Kidman could learn a few things from you - her face is tighter than a drum. The only emotion she can portray at this point is constipation.
Bottom line, if you're in the mood to see a group of men with hot bods, wielding swords and stabbing eachother, this is the movie for you. Enjoy!
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