Monday, April 30, 2007

Chin Fuzz

I watch Dancing with the Stars. Let me know when you stop laughing, so I can continue ... you ready?

Two "stars" on the show are rocking a similar look, and I just don't get it.
Apolo Anton Ohno and Billy Ray Cyrus have chin fuzz. Why? Do you really think that is attractive? It's not.
You look like a vagina has grown on your face. And that, my friend, is something you do not need.
You are attractive men. The only time I want to see a man with chin fuzz is when I walk into a KFC ... Colonel Sanders, anyone?
I can understand Billy wanting to appear edgy and young for the Hannah Montana Disney crowd, but what the hell is Apolo's excuse? Other than he just started growing facial hair and he's just excited (he's like 22 years old).
Oh, and Billy please put down the flat iron. It will only lead to breaky ends, achy breaky ends. (Sorry, I just had to say that).

Monday, April 23, 2007

Peer Pressure is Alive and Well

News flash ... peer pressure does not end in high school. Last Friday I was out to dinner and drinks (lots and lots of drinks) with Dineen and Erin.

Now, I'm not gonna say what it is they pressured me into. But I will say this ...


So what if I was 3-sheets to the wind! I had fun ... I think. Well, hell, from what I remember I had fun, and that's what counts!

What the Hell of the Moment

What the hell is up with sushi being served at baseball games?
You read it correctly. Sushi was on the menu at Shea Stadium yesterday. Hot dogs, I get. Cheese fries, make sense. Beer and soda, stadium staples. But, sushi? And I love sushi! But at a baseball game? It just doesn't seem right. Who the hell are we trying to impress?
If you don't like a NY hotdog (made from God's knows what type of meat) than you just shouldn't be at a baseball game. I'm all for being healthy, but the only people who should be worrying about their weight at a game are the players as they run the bases. I'm happy to sit my chunky ass down and eat a fatty snack and sugar-filled soda while the people I paid to see run and sweat. Thank you very much.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Et tu, Oprah!

After the horrific events that unfolded the other day at Virginia Tech, the media has done what it does best --- milk the situation for everything its worth. And, Oprah surprisingly joined the bandwagon.

Now, I agree that the public needs to know the pertinent information about what occurred. But, I do not need to see hours upon hours of the same videos, pictures, and interviews. What does that do for the public, really? It inevitably will cause the people who were there to relive it, and that doesn't help. And, it causes those who have experienced it from afar to vicariously relive it. That's not closure ... that's retraumatization.
News should be exactly what it is called ... new. So please stop showing me the same shit over and over again. Thank you.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this senseless act of violence.

On another note, all day today the issue of motive has been discussed. Why did he do it? I'll tell you why ... BECAUSE HE WAS CRAZY! Plan and simple.

We don't need to dress "crazy" up. "Crazy" is fine by itself. "Crazy" is an entree that doesn't require a sidedish.
There, I saved CNN a few hours.

Jeepers Cats!

My sister Tonya sent me a forward with pictures of painted cats. Here are some of the pics:

Who in the hell paints their cats?

White people, that's who.

According to the forward, it costs about $15,000 to paint your cat.

What the #$%@!

There are people who have no food to eat, and we have people painting cats - something is just wrong with that.
I could understand if your cat asked you to paint them, but look at these animals ... they do not look like they are happy with their new looks.

The purple cat looks like a Skittle that was dipped in a hazardous material.

I appreciate the patriotism in the next cat, but what is that star in the middle of his forehead? A target?

As for the final cat, where are it's ears?

Monday, April 16, 2007

Random Thought

What is in asparagus that makes your pee-pee smell so weird? There! I said it!
Don't get me wrong, I don't sniff pee. But, when you eat asparagus, it is hard to not notice the sudden change in the air. What is it? I want to know. Educate me, please.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Critic's Corner: 300

I just finished watching a bootleg copy of "300," although on the DVD itself, it read, "Trescientos." In any case, I really have no idea what happened in the movie. All I know is that I saw a whole lot of writhing, sweaty, muscular abs. And, for that, "300" gets 4 stars.

I also want to give credit to the actress who played Leonides' wife (Lena Headey) because she had a furrowed brow the entire movie. Congratulations for not using Botox so that movie-goers could actually see emotion in your face. Nicole Kidman could learn a few things from you - her face is tighter than a drum. The only emotion she can portray at this point is constipation.

Bottom line, if you're in the mood to see a group of men with hot bods, wielding swords and stabbing eachother, this is the movie for you. Enjoy!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Crush of the Moment

Henry Cavill

Ugh, I can't even say anything.

He's just beautiful ... let's leave it at that.

Oh, and he's tall, and he has a British accent, and you can see him on Showtime's "The Tudors."

I need to go to Europe, this is ridiculous.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Por Favor, No Comer en la Funeraria

As many of you may know, my fire-cracker of a grandmother, Mariana, passed away a few weeks ago. The funeral home where her arrangements were made did a good job overall, but here are some areas in which they were lacking:

1. There was no office for the "office". When you walked in there was a desk, that's it. And, behind that desk was a lady wearing her funeral-best, which included a pair of Chinatown dollar-store slippers. She wore these fashionable slippers with socks. At least do my family the decency, and not wear socks with your slippers! Lady, this a funeral home, have some respect and put on some shoes. Forgive me if I don't appreciate you welcoming guests as though you are chilling on your front porch. In addition to the footwear, since the office was out in the open, so was the sign that read "All fees must be paid on the day of funeral service." Thank you for that. There was also a sign that said to not eat in the funeral chapel. Really? Because I wanted to bust out my bag of Onion Rings and pop open a bottle of Tropical Fantasy. Are people that tacky that a sign is needed? That is sad.

2. The funeral service was to begin at 3pm. Little did we know, but my grandmother was being prepared in the Bronx, although the funeral home is in Manhattan. Was my grandmother in the chapel an hour before guests were to arrive? No. My grandmother arrived at 2:30pm, and she was brought in through the front door. Just what arriving mourners need to see. My mother and I waited in an unused chapel while Flip Flop and her lackey prepped the area. As we waited, I comforted my mother with words like, "These idiots are cutting it pretty close, aren't they?"

3. On the board in the front area, they had a sign with my grandmother's name. They spelled it incorrectly by one letter. As my mother is telling Flip Flop this tidbit of information, the woman is making excuses for the mix up. Hey, shut the hell up and take your little fingers and put an "A" where you put an "I." Are you seriously going to argue with the daughter of the deceased about a friggin' letter? I think she knows how to spell her mother's name. And mom, you need to stop ... you tried to blame the spelling mishap on dad by saying, "Mi esposo no sabe, es americano." Oh no you didn't.

4. Eventually, I had to use the bathroom in the joint. When I went down there, what did I find? The casket gallery is right next to the bathroom! What the hell! Get a door and put a sign that says DO NOT ENTER, don't have that shit all exposed to everyone who goes down there to take a leak! Needless to say, I used the buddy method every time I went down there. That's right ... Dineen and I were potty-partners.

Now, the next thing I am going to discuss happened in the limo at the cemetery. I was in the limo with Papi, Aunt Cookie, cousin Lisa, my mother and grandma's sister Elsa. As we are sitting in the car waiting to get out to sit by the grave my mother and Elsa are discussing how the grave is in a very nice area. So then my mother says, "Oh yeah, Elsa, there is a plot in there for you too." SURPRISE! What the hell kind of out-of-nowhere statement is that, mom? Why don't you just tell the woman to jump in and try it out? Gotta love my mother.

How do you even appropriately thank someone for a gift like a cemetery plot? "Gee, Liz, um, thank you for thinking of me ... dead. You're really too kind."

Dumb Ass Move of the Moment

I hate to admit it, but I did something stupid last night.
My dog Breeze was barking, so I decided to use the scare tactic that always seems to work - putting the electric dog collar on her. Now before you get all PETA/Animal Rights on my ass, hear me out. We hardly ever use the electric charge, we just use the annoying sound option on the remote. But, if you knew Breeze, believe me, you would want to electrocute her!
In any case, I was putting the collar on her, but I didn't know if it was on. Well, honey, did I find out!
I unknowingly had my fingers on the electric prongs, and instead of hitting the annoying sound button, I hit the electric charge button ... WOAH! I jumped so high, high, high, I touched the sky, sky, sky and didn't think I was gonna come down until the 4th of July, ly, ly!
Needless to say, the collar was, in fact, on.