Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Oh my, just want I've always wanted!

I was just on the telephone with my mother, and she says to me, "Oh, by the way, someone at my job threw out a book called 'What Men Want,' so I brought it home for you. It's by the computer. I thought it would be something you'd be interested in reading."

Thanks Mom. Thank you for the passive-aggressive attempt at basically saying, "When the hell are you going to get hitched, and get up out of our apartment?!" Geez Mom, your subtly is inspiring .... no, really, it is.

Oh look! What a coincidence, someone at my job just threw out a book, and it's called, "Lay Off: The Single Girls Guide to Living with her Parents." Ooooh, looks like a real page turner!


Anonymous said...

Don't we already know what men want?? The hell with them, what about what WE want?? LOL

Corrine said...
