Thursday, February 16, 2006

Google Takes the Fun Out of Everything

My friend Jennifer had a birthday this week (Happy Birthday Jennifer!), and I planned to give her her gift tomorrow night. She already knew we were going to Benny's for a fabulous, low-cost, and margarita-infused Mexican dinner. But, she was not aware of the bigger surprise.

Last year for my birthday, Jennifer created this elaborate scheme. Right before each place we went (and we went to several places, like seeing Wicked!) she gave me a clue that rhymed. She really out-did herself, and I loved it! So this year, for her birthday, I decided to give her clues as well. However, instead of giving a clue right before the surprise, I chose to give her a daily clue all this week.

1: I hope there will be Blue Skies on the day we go out.
2: You won't Idolize me, but I'm sure you will have a good time.
3: Baltimore
4: Break It Down

Jennifer told me she had no idea what it was, but did guess that it had something to with Diana DeGarmo, because her album is called "Blue Skies" and she was on American Idol. But, she couldn't figure out the Baltimore part. She added that she tried Google-ing everything, but still couldn't find anything. LIES!

I Google-ed "Diana DeGarmo" and "Baltimore," and as plain as day, it was right there! Now she knows that I'm taking her to see Hairspray on Broadway, and she's all excited! Which is great, but come on Google! Can't people be surpised any more? Damn, damn, damn.

PS: The "Break It Down" clue is because Tevin Campbell is in the show too! That's crazy! We haven't seen him since he was like 12 and singing about getting busy while doing homework. It wasn't that great of a clue, but as you can see, I was grasping at air ... Throw me a bone!

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