Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I was thinking, pigeons don't get enough credit.
They have masterminded this whole bird thing.
First, they deserve some respect for being like the only birds that stay up north during the winter. Pigeons are friggin' in NYC all year. Unlike other birds, pigeons must have some big cajones to do that.
Also, they aren't afraid of people any more. Those bitches will fly at you. Honey, it is you against them ... and until you are able to fly and shit on people's heads, I'm thinking they're gonna win.
Then you have to think about the fact that there are so many of them, yet they have tricked us into not hunting them or eating them. I mean, what the hell makes quail so special? Why do we eat those little birds, and not pigeons? I'll tell you why!
Pigeons have successfully created a public relations campaign to give themselves a bad image. Street Cred, if you will. Make people think you are nasty, scavaging, dirty, city pigeons and no one will mess with you. It's genius!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. I will also add that the surge in NYC squirrels and rats has put pigeons on the bottom of my "ewww" list. I swear that squirrels and rats are mating. I must be getting use to the rats because I have slowed down my haul ass and leave the kids behind to a sprint "make sure you are keeping up" when I see one.