Everything scares me, so I was quite surprised with myself when I decided to watch the new A & E show, Paranormal State (PS). PS is a reality show involving this group of Penn State students who started an organization that investigates paranormal activity. I was under the impression that PS would be similar to Vh1's Celebrity Paranormal Project or Mtv's Fear. I was wrong.
The premiere episode was about a family that moved to a new house and now their young son sees dead people. So, they called the students to conduct an investigation. Oh. Hell. No.
When a little kid wakes up in the middle of the night and stands in your doorway, waiting for you to wake up, that is unsettling. Being told by your son at breakfast that he couldn't sleep the night because some dead kid was tapping at his window ... that is f--king CRAZY! You don't investigate crazy. You pack your shit up and you leave. Then you hug your son, and tell him not to speak of this again.
In the second episode, a newly single mother and her son moved to a new house (I sense a pattern), and they believe it is haunted. Really? You think the house is haunted? You mean, the friggin' cemetary in your backyard didn't tip you off?
You know what was really messed up - after they bought the house, the previous owner give the mother a copy of an article stating that a family of 6 was brutally murdered in the home years ago. Ooooh snap! And, guess where they're buried ... no, seriously guess ... I'll give you a second ... la la la la ... IN THE BACKYARD!
How badly do you want to be a home owner, that you buy a house with the family still in it?
Needless to say, I had a problem sleeping that night. And, I do plan to watch the show next week. Call me a masochist.