Take heed fellas, and realize that eventually all of your skeletons will pop out of the closet with a collective "Heeeeeeeey!" And, in the case of Dina McGreevey (estranged wife of former NJ governor, and self-proclaimed "Gay-American," Jim McGreevey), skeletons, as well as her husband, came out of the closet.
Taking the opportunity to share her side of the story, Dina appeared on Oprah this afternoon to discuss the debacle that was her marriage, and to promote her new book ("Silent Partner"), of course! No one goes on Oprah without having written a book ... FYI. I hope blogs count :o/
Oprah asked the important questions, like "Did you know he was gay?," "Were there any signs?", and "Why in the hell were you smiling during Jim's 'outing' speech?" Oprah, honey, that was no smile. That was holding back the "crazy", that's what that was.
As can be seen in the above picture, that is not the smile of a content woman. That is the smile of, "Okay motherf--ker, you want me to play 'happy' for your press conference, I will. But, when we get home I'm going to pluck out your pubes, one by one. That's right, your pubes." Can you blame the woman? Her husband basically told her that the life she knew was a sham. He's lucky to be alive!
And, now Jim's is trying to get sole custody of the couple's young daughter. Uh, what? Dude, you didn't know if you were coming or going until 3 years ago, you gotta be kidding, right? And, he's accusing Dina of being in denial. No shit! Her life was shattered, and she has to make a new one. That takes time. Plus, do you really want to point the "denial" finger, Mr. I married 2 women had 2 children, but then went to dirty rest stops on the highway to mess with men because I didn't want people to know I was gay? If Dina's in denial, at least she's in it alone. You're ass brought a load of innocent people into your Denial Extravaganza. No fair.
The Oprah interview was entertaining, but I could tell Oprah wanted to shake Dina, or something. And, I agree. You were scorned, woman! Get angry! Get even! Get everything! But, no. Dina was civilized, and that is when I realized why Jim married her. She really is the perfect political wife. This woman dated Jim for about 5 years, was never invited to Jim's parents home. And, she was never allowed to meet Jim's first daughter. What! Now that deserves a slap!
Girl, what were you thinking? You married a man who flat-out had secrets ... were you that surprised when he dropped the homo-bomb on you? It's like you had the word "Gullible" written on your forehead. Honey, he saw you coming, and I say that with love.
On another note, where were Dina's friends during the courtship? A good set of sisters, or girlfriends, would have solved this mystery a long time ago. I can see my sister Sissy now, "Girl, whatchu mean he hasn't let you see his parents house? He's got problems." Then Dineen would roll out a blueprint of his parents' home and how we were going to break in and do a little pre-marital investigation. All the while, Tonya would be saying that what we were thinking about doing is wrong and we should stop. And, then Sissy and Dineen would agree and put the blueprint away ... until Tonya left the room. Sisters are great.